Hello Readers

Welcome to my new website, I built this site because my old one was really showing some signs of Ageing. I checked it today and found that all of my old posts and pictures had vanished.

To be fair, I was fairly neglectful, posting updates months apart.

I have rebuilt from the ground up, not just because of the inadequacies of my old website, but also in response to a couple of news articles that have been written about me on two news outlets.

I was approached recently on Facebook by a young Journalist, asking if I would be interested in having an interview to share my story.

I decided to do it and conducted one long and two short telephone interviews that same week. I was also asked if I could attend a photoshoot for the article and again, I said yes.

I went into these interviews fully aware of the risks and have since seen the articles that have come from them and honestly, they could have been much worse.

Unfortunately the article that will have the most exposure completely fails to mention my books and both articles are written somewhat tongue in cheek.

I really regret posing for the pictures, but as they say “hindsight is 20/20.”

Here is a link to the larger of the two articles https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/forklift-truck-driver-says-hes-27498036?utm_source=linkCopy&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar

I would post the older article, but I cannot seem to find it now. It seems to have dropped off of the web.

The linked article is quite goofy, but it doesn’t outright mock me. It does however fudge a lot of details concerning my story. I have never said that I am the visitors point of contact for all of humanity. My encounters were not triggered by my placing a toy of E.T on my windowsill.

In reference to the older article, that one suggested that I used my drawings to communicate with the visitors and that my cat was some kind of medium between myself and the visitors.

All in all the experience has been mildly annoying, but not exactly devastating.

On a completely different subject, I will continue to post updates periodically and have something in the pipeline that is very interesting. It seems that one of my predictions about dark energy is very close to being confirmed.

If you have read my first book, you will know that this may lead to a huge revelation about the nature of gravity.

With all that said, bye for know and I’ll be back soon.


  • Thank you Michael. I just heard your story on UAP STUDIES podcast and would love to read the book. Why is it so expensive on Amazon even compared with book two?

  • Are you truly seeking the truth about the aliens… even if that takes you to somewhere dark?
    Here’s something to consider, all the alien types Greys, Reptilians, Arcturians they are all genetically engineered and belong to the same military fleet. They have a Bio-weapons division such as the aliens and
    The ground forces, the cryptids, and an energy division, the shadow people/poltergeist and so on. The sightings are going to keep on increasing because they want to ramp up the fear.

  • Michael, I live in Kincardine, Ontario. I do a paranormal talk show called Third Eye View which has been since 2013. All shows are taped on Zoom. We will be starting to film our fall series mid August. I would love to have you as a guest. I look forward to hearing back from you.

  • Hi Michael,

    I just wanted to say I’m rereading your book “Alien Revelations” and it’s very good! I’m impressed with your writing style and detailed and direct description without unnecessary embellishment. I’ve been actively seeking to learn what’s happening with this phenomenon, especially since the 2017 revelations in the US, which is where I live. The success our Pentagon has had with hiding the truth from Congress, and thus the people, just disgusts me. But more importantly, I’m driven to gain insight into what’s real beyond our known world, and beyond death. I love the journey you’re taking into this realm of possibilities, and your honesty and intelligence in sharing your ideas with others. I truly appreciate it. I’d love to ask you questions sometime in a more fluid format, like email. If you’re amenable to this, please write me at the email address below. If not, I understand. Thanks for your work!

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